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Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY by Dominican parents, I was always taught to persevere and find my place on this earth. My love for art along with pure destiny placed me in the world of fashion. After many years of fashion school, two fashion degrees, and nearly seven years of working in the fashion industry, I thought I knew what life was.


Within the span of just a year, I hopped on a roller coaster ride and REAL LIFE actually began for me! Moving out on my own, becoming a wife to my then boyfriend of seven years, and now a mother to my little Celine...these are the things I've learned truly define life.


As I continue to discover what life is all about, I love to share my experiences as a daughter, sister, mother to a toddler, wife, fitness freak, working woman, fashionista, and newly turned Art teacher. Or as my husband likes to call me "Superwoman"!


My intention is to inspire others like myself who are just trying to figure it all out in the hopes to build a supportive community of Super-mamas...


...Sew this is life!


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